> Soul + Body. Brand and business alignment around a common strategy to achieve your mission and get the results you want. _

Participants' roles.



We've reached a particular stage in our adventure.

Brand strategy is the stage at which we align business and brand.

To do this properly, we'll need to define what a brand is, what it's for, and how to create one.

Once that's done, we can blend brand and business.

Roughly speaking:

$$ Brand \space Strategy \space = \space Business \space Strategy \space + \space Brand \space Alignment $$

It’s all gibberish right now, but it’ll make sense in a few moments.

Here we go, starting with the basics.

1. Theory.

Branding — Fundamentals

Brand Strategy — Introduction

2. Practice.

Strategy — Personality & Image

Strategy — Define Success

Strategy — Achieve Success