> Competitive analysis + Perceptual mapping + Market position choice. _

Table of contents.

Participants' roles.



That’s it, we’ve got enough material to position your business, because :

  1. We know your brand’s soul and personality inside out. We know exactly who she is.
  2. We know its market and niche.
  3. We know precisely who your targets are.
  4. We know explicitly the ideal your business is striving for.
  5. We’ve defined the plan to achieve this ideal.

With all these elements in place, we can define how we will position your business. To do this, we will study its brand territory (aka brandscape.)

We will look at its playground, particularly the other known players in that playground. As a reminder, we’re playing an infinite game. The objective here is not to find out who has the biggest but to make it easier for your customers and prospects to identify you in the chaos of the crowd.

To do this, we won’t change “who you are” but simply define how your market should categorize you. It’s pretty simple - technically, it’s just like high school.

Just like high school.

It’s morning. We’re the last to arrive at the school playground.

As usual, the playground is packed. There are well-defined groups and free electrons moving from group to group.

The playground is our market.

Groups are niches.

The free electrons are the brands that go after these niches.