> Everlasting Infinite Boundless Home Run. _

Table of contents.

Participants' roles.



This new section will use the gigantic list of “anti-boo-hoo solutions” we compiled, classified, and filtered in the previous step (#9 — Problem-Solution Workflow ).

We’ll have nothing but golden nuggets if we’ve done our homework correctly.

From this list of solutions, we’ll clearly formulate your offers.

All these must and will be offers your customers can’t refuse.

To achieve this, we’ll use bonuses, devise guarantees, and create a sense of urgency and a feeling of scarcity, all in an ethical way.

The aim here is to help all your salespeople sell better.

Not that they don’t know how to do their job, but to do it correctly and with ease, they need our help because :

Selling is a seductive dance, not a rape.

Thanks to our list of anti-excuses solutions, your sales reps should be able to get to closing faster since they should have fewer mental barriers to clear and fewer objections to deconstruct.

Let’s get started on creating your offers 🤘

Core Offers

<aside> ⚡ We run the Playbook in 6 weeks for 8 customers yearly.

⬇️   Secure your spot ⬇️

Business Shortcut: 2x your Business in 6 Weeks

